About Me

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I have been an elementary and secondary school teacher and administrator. Currently, I am a faculty member in the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. My M.Ed. and Ph.D. had a focus on the educational and linguistic experiences of children who moved from other countries to Canada.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

How can technology bridge the educational divide?

Technology carries great potential to bridge the educational divides that exist globally. These divides include those which exist that prevent girls from attending school in equal measure as boys and those that prevent those in poor communities from having access to quality education.

Technology can help by providing access to educational resources that otherwise would not be available.

One way that this occurs in the Educator and Leadership Institute is by the use of USB memory keys. Our instructors put valuable resources on these memory keys so that our participants can use them in the training of others. They can also print documents or watch videos that are stored on these memory keys to help in their own professional learning.

Technology can also be used to break down geographical barriers.

A new experience for ELI this year was a connection that was facilitated by one of our Canadian instructors, Josee Landriault, a principal from Ontario. Josee has been instructing a course for Ontario educators preparing to be principals. She also is an instructor for the leadership group of ELI. This week, Josee was able to set up a video connection so that both groups of participants were able to meet. It was an amazing experience to see the joy that both groups had in meeting the other. What a powerful opportunity to bridge a divide.

Ontario principals join a group of Haitian principals (on the screen) through a video conference
Technology has the potential to perpetuate and even expand the educational divides that exist in the world. But we cannot let this happen. Technology has tremendous potential to ensure that every child - and teacher - can access a quality and inclusive education. Companies such as D2L, Vrette, and 360Insights - all partners in ELI - are working with us to ensure that this is how technology benefits those that are currently excluded from such a quality and inclusive education.

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