About Me

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I have been an elementary and secondary school teacher and administrator. Currently, I am a faculty member in the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. My M.Ed. and Ph.D. had a focus on the educational and linguistic experiences of children who moved from other countries to Canada.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Canadian Geographic interactive map

I have used this interactive map a number of times and find it to be a great resource for comparative education:


Teachers can find lots of resources in the "For Teachers" tab.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

More educational leadership contacts in Haiti

Yesterday I met with the Haitian consul general in Toronto. He and I had met at a meeting of people who were doing work in Haiti shortly after the 2010 earthquake. We have remained in touch by email as we have followed the work of each other in the time between. In yesterday's meeting, he provided me with more contacts as we considered how we might further support each other in our desire to see educational development take place in Haiti.  He is originally from Cap-Haitien so is quite pleased with the shift in my focus to CH from Port-au-Prince.

I am quite confident that the partnerships we are developing in Cap-Haitien with the public university, the ministry of education, and other groups will provide a strategic focus for educational leadership development in Haiti. I received a long email from the director of the ministry of education office in CH just yesterday outlining his vision for the re-conceptualization of education in that area. As well, I've been invited to do a day of teacher training in Cap-Haitien just before the school year starts (August) so that may lead to further solidifying of my (and WLU's) work there.